Coronary angiographic characteristics of patients with permanent artificial pacemakers

Morris Mosseri*, Tami Izak, Shimon Rosenheck, Chaim Lotan, Yoseph Rozenman, Einat Zolti, Dan Admon, Mervyn S. Gotsman

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20 Scopus citations


Background: The cause of severe cardiac conduction disturbances is often uncertain. The aim of this study was to examine a group of patients with permanent pacemakers who underwent coronary arteriography to determine the extent of coronary atheroselerotic disease that might be responsible for the conduction disturbances. Methods and Results: Forty-three consecutive patients with a permanent pacemaker and 36 matched control patients were investigated. The coronary angiographic study included measurement of diameter and stenosis severity, qualitative assessment of flow, and classification of pathological anatomy, particularly the blood supply to territories supplying the different segments of the conduction system. Among 43 patients with a permanent pacemaker, 27 had ischemic heart disease (17 after coronary artery bypass graft surgery). The conduction disturbance was infranodal in 28 patients, sinus nodal in 6, AV nodal in 4, and complete AV block of unspecified origin in 5. Patients with permanent pacemakers had a coronary artery pathology compromising blood flow to the septal branches and the right coronary artery (type IV anatomy). This pattern was significantly different from the matched control patients, in whom the most prevalent coronary anatomy was the combination of right coronary artery with distal left anterior descending artery (not involving the septal branches) lesions (P=.007). Conclusions: Patients with coronary artery disease and severe conduction disturbances that require implantation of permanent pacemakers are more likely to have a specific pathological coronary anatomy that combines a compromised blood flow to the septal branches of the left anterior descending artery with right coronary artery lesions. The location of lesions in the coronary tree rather than severe diffuse atherosclerosis appears to be responsible for the conduction disturbances.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)809-815
Number of pages7
Issue number3
StatePublished - 5 Aug 1997
Externally publishedYes


  • Blood flow
  • Conduction
  • Pacemakers


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