Convexity preservation of the four-point interpolatory subdivision scheme

Nira Dyn, Frans Kuijt, David Levin, Ruud Van Damme

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

44 Scopus citations


In this note we examine the convexity preserving properties of the (linear) four-point interpolatory subdivision scheme of Dyn, Gregory and Levin when applied to functional univariate strictly convex data. Conditions on the tension parameter guaranteeing preservation of convexity are derived. These conditions depend on the initial data. The resulting scheme is the four-point scheme with tension parameter bounded from above by a bound smaller than 1/16. Thus the scheme generates C1 limit functions and has approximation order two.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)789-792
Number of pages4
JournalComputer Aided Geometric Design
Issue number8
StatePublished - Sep 1999


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