Continuous production of monoclonal rheumatoid factor by EBV-transformed lymphocytes

Michael Steinitz*, Gabriel Izak, Sara Cohen, Michael Ehrenfeld, Ianco Flechner

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

82 Scopus citations


Human B lymphocytes are immortalized by Epstein-Barr virus (EBV, ref. 1). The virus can be used to establish lymphoblastoid cell lines that produce and actively secrete specific antibodies2. The original method, which we have used for various antigens2-4 is based on selection of the specific surface antigen receptor-positive lymphocytes from the peripheral blood lymphocytes of a donor who was previously sensitized to the corresponding antigen. Furthermore, by cloning the polyclonal anti-NNP cell Une we have produced human monoclonal antibodies for the first time in vitro5. About 5-20 μg ml-1 stably produced5 specific antibody is obtained in the supernatant of the cell lines. This approach can be used for the in vitro production of monoclonal human autoimmune antibodies by EBV-immortalized lymphocytes from patients with autoimmune diseases. We demonstrate the continuousproduction in vitro of a monoclonal IgM anti-IgG antibody (rheumatoid factor, r.f.) by a lymphoblastoid cell line established from a patient with rheumatoid arthritis.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)443-445
Number of pages3
Issue number5781
StatePublished - 1980
Externally publishedYes


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