Comprehensive Training of Community Diagnosis and the Community-Oriented Primary Health Care Model in Nursing Education: An Evidence-Based Project

Bella Savitsky*, Ira Shulman, Ilya Kagan

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Background: Community-oriented primary health care is a health promotion model that includes community diagnosis of a targeted community. Purpose: This educational project aimed to develop and implement an innovative approach of applying the principles of evidence-based practice in the teaching of community diagnosis, where the class of nursing students serves as an example of community. Methods: The method consisted of a lecture and an evidence-based simulation of community diagnosis based on data collection regarding the lifestyle and health behaviors of third-year nursing students from a 4-year academic nursing program (200 students; 90% response rate). Results: The data analysis revealed insufficient consumption of fruits, vegetables, and unsweetened fluids; excessive consumption of red and processed meat; insufficient engagement in physical activity; high anxiety level; and sleep deprivation. Conclusions: This educational approach allowed an interactive presentation of community health diagnostic methodology as well as community health problem prioritization applying the principles of an evidence-based approach. The method also improves students' awareness of their health and makes them better ambassadors of promoting a healthy lifestyle.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)E178-E182
JournalNurse Educator
Issue number6
StatePublished - 1 Nov 2023
Externally publishedYes


  • community diagnostics
  • community-oriented primary health care
  • health promotion
  • nursing students
  • simulation


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