Co-Assembly between Fmoc Diphenylalanine and Diphenylalanine within a 3D Fibrous Viscous Network Confers Atypical Curvature and Branching

Priyadarshi Chakraborty, Yiming Tang, Tom Guterman, Zohar A. Arnon, Yifei Yao, Guanghong Wei, Ehud Gazit*

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

29 Scopus citations


Supramolecular polymer co-assembly is a useful approach to modulate peptide nanostructures. However, the co-assembly scenario where one of the peptide building blocks simultaneously forms a hydrogel is yet to be studied. Herein, we investigate the co-assembly formation of diphenylalanine (FF), and Fmoc-diphenylalanine (FmocFF) within the 3D network of FmocFF hydrogel. The overlapping peptide sequence between the two building blocks leads to their co-assembly within the gel state modulating the nature of the FF crystals. We observe the formation of branched microcrystalline aggregates with an atypical curvature, in contrast to the FF assemblies obtained from aqueous solution. Optical microscopy reveal the sigmoidal kinetic growth profile of these aggregates. Microfluidics and ToF-SIMS experiments exhibit the presence of co-assembled structures of FF and FmocFF in the crystalline aggregates. Molecular dynamics simulation was used to decipher the mechanism of co-assembly formation.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)23731-23739
Number of pages9
JournalAngewandte Chemie - International Edition
Issue number52
StatePublished - 21 Dec 2020


FundersFunder number
Advanced ERC
Argentinean Friends of Tel Aviv University
European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program
Horizon 2020 Framework Programme694426
European Commission
National Natural Science Foundation of China11674065
Tel Aviv University
Horizon 2020
National Key Research and Development Program of China2016YFA0501702


    • aggregation
    • amyloids
    • co-assembly
    • crystallization
    • diphenylalanine


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