Clinical predictors of reinfarction among men and women after a first myocardial infarction

Ran Kornowski*, Uri Goldbourt, Valentina Boyko, Solomon Behar, Henry N. Neufeld, Jacob Agmon, Solomon Behar, Uri Goldbourt, Henrietta Reicher-Reiss, Edward Abinader, Jacob Barzilay, Natalio Cristal, Yaacov Friedman, Nissim Kauli, Yehezkiel Kishon, Abraham Palant, Benyamin Peled, Leonardo Reisin, Egon Riss, Zwi SchlesingerIzhar Zahavi, Monty Zion, Zwi Schlesinger, Moshe Algom, Leonardo Reisin, Newton Yalom, Yaacov Friedman, Abraham Palant, Ephraim Mayer, Jacob Barzilay, Lev Bloch, Izhar Zahavi, Menachem Katz, Benyamin Peled, Zakki Abu-Moukh, Nissim Kauli, Emanuel Liebman, Egon Riss, Jamil Hir, Edward Abinader, Ehud Goldhammer, Salim Maalouf, Monty Zion, David Rosenmann, Jonathan Balkin, Henrietta Reicher-Reiss, Yehez Kiel Kishon, Ron Narinsky, Solomon Behar, Uri Goldbourt, Henrietta Reicher-Reiss, Lori Mandelzweig

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8 Scopus citations


Independent clinical factors predicting reinfarction in the 1st year following an initial myocardial infarction were identified among 900 women and 2,795 men. Women were older (65.8 vs. 59.3 years; p < 0.001) but tended to suffer from reinfarction at a rate similar to that of men (6.9 vs. 5.6%, p = 0.17). Cumulative 1-month, 1- and 5.5-year all-cause mortality following the first infarction was higher among women who sustained reinfarction (43, 52 and 74%, respectively) than among men (29, 30 and 51%, respectively, p < 0.01 for each). Independent clinical predictors for recurrent myocardial infarction among women were (adjusted relative odds): peripheral vascular disease (3.2), postinfarction angina (2.3), diabetes mellitus (2.2), radiographic evidence of cardiomegaly (1.9), anterior location of the first infarction (2.0), congestive heart failure (1.8), prior angina (1.6) and age (10 years) increment (1.2). Pre¬dictive variables for men were: anterior infarct location (1.7), peripheral vascular disease (1.6), prior stroke (1.5), prior angina (1.4), systemic hypertension (1.3) and age (10 years) increment (1.1). Our data indicate (a) different cardiac risk factors for reinfarction among men and women after a first myocardial infarction, and (b) a prognostic advantage for men over women following reinfarction.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)163-168
Number of pages6
Issue number2
StatePublished - 1995


  • Gender
  • Myocardial infarction
  • Prognosis
  • Reinfarction
  • Risk factors


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