Classification of acute myocardial ischemia by electrocardiography

S. Sclarovsky*, A. Mager, E. Davidson, R. Bassevich, E. Rechavia, B. Strasberg

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1 Scopus citations


Electrocardiographic recording during chest pain is usually performed for detection of myocardial ischemia and localization of the affected area. By analyzing changes in electrocardiograms recorded during chest pain, pathophysiological mechanisms of ischemia, prediction of coronary pathology, and the risk of evolution to myocardial infarction can be determined. Myocardial ischemia is caused by either an increase in O2 demand, reduction in coronary flow, or both. The former is manifested by tachycardia and in such patients measures should be taken to slow the heart rate. Patients with ischemia without tachycardia suffer from reduction of coronary flow and therapy should be aimed at increasing flow. We classify patients with ischemia but without tachycardia according to electrocardiographic patterns recorded during chest pain by precordial leads as follows: group 1, those with ST segment elevation and with positive T waves; group 2, ST segment depression and negative T waves; and group 3, ST depression and positive T waves. Group 1 patients have anterior wall ischemia and the left anterior descending artery is usually involved. They are possible candidates for coronary angiography. In group 2, the electrocardiographic changes reflect extensive subendocardial myocardial ischemia. We found severe coronary artery disease (LMCA or right main artery equivalent) in 69% of such patients, and the mortality in those with subsequent myocardial infarction was 77%, mainly due to pump failure. When this latter electrocardiographic pattern is found, intervention should be prompt, and surgery rather than angioplasty is usually necessary. Patients with ischemic ST depression maximal in V2-V3 should not be included in this group since these changes are reciprocal with posterolateral wall ischemia.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)35-39
Number of pages5
Issue number1
StatePublished - 1 Jan 1989


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