Ceramic-based photocatalytic membrane reactors for water treatment - Where to next?

Inna Horovitz, Inna Horovitz, Vitaly Gitis, Dror Avisar, Hadas Mamane*

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

24 Scopus citations


Ceramic-based photocatalytic membrane reactors (cPMRs) are becoming increasingly popular among researchers and will soon be seen on the water/wastewater-treatment market. This review provides a thorough analysis of the available data on cPMRs fabricated to date based on coating method, support and coating materials, membrane design, pore size and model compounds used to evaluate process efficiency and light source. While all of the studies describe cPMR preparation in great detail, over half do not provide any information about their performance. The rest used various dyes that can be conveniently detected by spectrophotometry/fluorimetry, or micropollutants that require analytical equipment available only in specialized laboratories. In addition, cPMRs are viewed as a convenient way of incorporating a photocatalyst on an inert surface assuming that the surface itself, i.e. the membrane, does not participate in the treatment process. A unified test for cPMR performance should be developed and implemented for all cPMRs that have the potential for commercialization. There is a need for standardization in cPMR testing; only then can the true performance of cPMRs be evaluated and compared. Such testing will also answer the question of whether the cPMR membrane is indeed an inert support or an active part of the treatment process.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)593-622
Number of pages30
JournalReviews in Chemical Engineering
Issue number5
StatePublished - 1 Jul 2020


  • ceramic membrane
  • ceramic-based photocatalytic membrane reactor (cPMR)
  • disinfection photodegradation
  • water treatment


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