Black-hole galactic nuclei: A high-energy perspective

Elihu Boldt*, Amir Levinson, Michael Loewenstein

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The gravitational radiation signals to be anticipated from events involving black-hole galactic nuclei depend on the spin of the underlying object. To obtain evidence about the spin of Seyfert AGN black holes, we can rely on future ultra-high resolution spectral/spatial x-ray studies of iron K line fluorescence from the innermost regions of accreting matter. Normal galaxies present more of a challenge. To account for the highest energy cosmic rays, we propose that ultra-relativistic particle acceleration can occur near the event horizons of spun-up supermassive black-holes at the non-active nuclei of giant elliptical galaxies. This conjecture about the black hole spin associated with such nuclei is subject to verification via the characteristic TeV curvature radiation expected to be detected with upcoming gamma-ray observatories.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1317-1319
Number of pages3
JournalClassical and Quantum Gravity
Issue number7
StatePublished - 7 Apr 2002


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