Bicalutamide ('Casodex') 150mg in addition to standard care in patients with nonmetastatic prostate cancer: Updated results from a randomised double-blind phase III study (median follow-up 5.1y) in the early prostate cancer programme

M. Wirth*, C. Tyrrell, K. Delaere, M. Sánchez-Chapado, J. Ramon, D. M.A. Wallace, J. Hetherington, F. Pina, C. Heyns, T. Borchers, T. Morris, J. Armstrong

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

24 Scopus citations


Trial 24 is one of three placebo-controlled trials within the ongoing bicalutamide ('Casodex'+) Early Prostate Cancer (EPC) programme evaluating bicalutamide 150mg/day in addition to radical prostatectomy, radiotherapy or watchful waiting for T1b -4, any N, M0 prostate cancer. In Trial 24, at 5.1y median follow-up, the addition of bicalutamide significantly (P<0.0001) improved objective progression-free survival (PFS) and prostate-specific antigen PFS compared with standard care alone. There was no significant difference in overall survival (P = 0.746). In the context of the whole EPC programme, long-term bicalutamide is not appropriate for localised disease, yet provides advantages in delaying disease progression in patients with locally advanced prostate cancer.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)194-200
Number of pages7
JournalProstate Cancer and Prostatic Diseases
Issue number2
StatePublished - Jun 2005
Externally publishedYes


FundersFunder number


    • Bicalutamide
    • Clinical trial
    • Nonsteroidal antiandrogen
    • Prostatic neoplasms


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