BASS XLIII. Optical, UV, and X-ray emission properties of unobscured Swift/BAT active galactic nuclei

Kriti K. Gupta*, Claudio Ricci, Matthew J. Temple, Alessia Tortosa, Michael J. Koss, Roberto J. Assef, Franz E. Bauer, Richard Mushotzy, Federica Ricci, Yoshihiro Ueda, Alejandra F. Rojas, Benny Trakhtenbrot, Chin Shin Chang, Kyuseok Oh, Ruancun Li, Taiki Kawamuro, Yaherlyn Diaz, Meredith C. Powell, Daniel Stern, C. Megan UrryFiona Harrison, Brad Cenko

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

1 Scopus citations


We present one of the largest multiwavelength studies of simultaneous optical-to-X-ray spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of unobscured (NH < 1022 cm−2) active galactic nuclei (AGN) in the local Universe. Using a representative sample of hard-X-ray-selected AGN from the 70-month Swift/BAT catalog, with optical/UV photometric data from Swift/UVOT and X-ray spectral data from Swift/XRT, we constructed broadband SEDs of 236 nearby AGN (0.001 < z < 0.3). We employed GALFIT to estimate host galaxy contamination in the optical/UV and determine the intrinsic AGN fluxes. We used an absorbed power law with a reflection component to model the X-ray spectra and a dust-reddened multi-temperature blackbody to fit the optical/UV SED. We calculated intrinsic luminosities at multiple wavelengths, total bolometric luminosities (Lbol), optical-to-X-ray spectral indices (αox), and multiple bolometric corrections (κλ) in the optical, UV, and X-rays. We used black hole masses obtained by reverberation mapping and the virial method to estimate Eddington ratios (λEdd) for all our AGN. We confirm the tight correlation (scatter = 0.45 dex) between UV (2500 Å) and X-ray (2 keV) luminosity for our sample. We observe a significant decrease in αox with Lbol and λEdd, suggesting that brighter sources emit more UV photons per X-rays. We report a second-order regression relation (scatter = 0.15 dex) between the 2–10 keV bolometric correction (κ2−10) and αox, which is useful to compute Lbol in the absence of multiband SEDs. We also investigate the dependence of optical/UV bolometric corrections on the physical properties of AGN and obtain a significant increase in the UV bolometric corrections (κW2 and κM2) with Lbol and λEdd, unlike those in the optical (κV and κB), which are constant across five orders of Lbol and λEdd. We obtain significant dispersions (∼0.1–1 dex) in all bolometric corrections, and hence recommend using appropriate relations with observed quantities while including the reported scatter, instead of their median values.

Original languageEnglish
Article numberA203
JournalAstronomy and Astrophysics
StatePublished - 1 Nov 2024


FundersFunder number
European Space Agency
Belgian Federal Science Policy Office
Kernkraftwerk Gösgen-Däniken
European Research Council
ANID FONDECYT1200495, 1231718, 1230345
National Research Foundation of KoreaNRF-2020R1C1C1005462
Israel Science Foundation1849/19
Georgia Student Finance Commission2021
Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute2024-1-831-01
National Aeronautics and Space Administration80NSSC19K0749, 3230310, 3220516, 3210157, ICN12_009
Horizon 2020 Framework Programme950533
Agencia Nacional de Investigación y DesarrolloFB210003


    • black hole physics
    • catalogs
    • galaxies: active
    • galaxies: nuclei
    • quasars: supermassive black holes
    • surveys


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