Backscattering of stationary radiation in time-dependent random media: Average intensity and intensity fluctuations

S. Frankenthal*, M. J. Beran

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We consider backscattering of stationary radiation in a random medium whose wavespeed fluctuations depend on time and on space. We modify a previous derivation of the equations that govern the range-evolution of the spectra of the ensemble-averaged forward-and back-propagating components of the field and their second-order statistics, and extend the approach to treat the fourth-order statistics. The latter are governed by integro-difference equations that account for the broadening of the signal spectra due to the time-dependence of the random fluctuations. In the quasi-monochromatic regime, where spectra owing to a monochromatic excitation remain confined to a narrow band over extensive ranges, the integro-difference equations transform into ordinary differential equations that govern the time-dependence of the quantities of interest. We use this simplification to track the power fluxes and their fluctuations (scintillation) in a one-dimensionally stratified slab, where the wave-speed fluctuations depend on the range-coordinate normal to the planes of stratification, and also to treat modal propagation in a duct, where the wave-speed fluctuations depend on all three spatial dimensions. The results suggest that a Gaussian equilibrium is approached at large ranges, on a suitably defined backscattering scale that depends on the medium parameters and the geometry.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)231-259
Number of pages29
JournalWaves in Random and Complex Media
Issue number3
StatePublished - Aug 2006


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