Art on paper: ephemeral art in the Low Countries : the triumphal entry of the Archdukes Albert and Isabella into Antwerp, 1599

Research output: Book/ReportBook


"The ephemeral art of festival, popular in the 16th and 17th centuries, was created for public events, such as triumphal processions, weddings and court funerals. Large-scale monuments combining painting, sculpture and the performing arts were devised for the duration of the event, but as soon as this was over, these extravagant constructions were dismantled and their individual components ultimately destroyed. Before the monuments ceased to exist, the city council would ensure their conservation in words and images, thus materializing the ephemeral art of festival into the more lasting medium of word and image on paper. One of the most celebrated such festive events was that of the 1599 Antwerp Triumphal Entry of Archduke Albert of Austria and the Infanta Isabella Clara Eugenia of Spain, the new Spanish governors of the Netherlands"--Back cover.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationTurnhout, Belgium
Number of pages157
ISBN (Print)2503543413, 9782503543413
StatePublished - 2014


  • Festivals
  • Kunst
  • Belgium
  • Prints, Flemish
  • Spaanse Nederlanden
  • Festivals in art
  • Processions in art
  • Processions
  • Inhuldigingen

ULI Keywords

  • uli
  • Albrecht -- VII -- Archduke of Austria -- 1559-1621
  • Isabel Clara Eugenia -- Infanta of Spain -- 1566-1633
  • Bochius, Joannes -- 1555-1609 -- Historica narratio profectionis et inaugurationis Serenissimorum Belgii Principum Alberti et Isabellae, Austriae archiducum -- Illustrations
  • Festivals in art
  • Festivals -- Belgium -- Antwerp -- History -- 16th century
  • Processions in art
  • Processions -- Belgium -- Antwerp -- History -- 16th century
  • Belgium -- History -- 1555-1648
  • Alberto -- VII -- Archduke of Austria -- 1559-1621
  • Albert -- VII -- Archduke of Austria -- 1559-1621
  • Isabel -- Archduchess of Austria -- 1566-1633
  • Isabella Clara Eugenia -- Archduchess of Austria -- 1566-1633
  • Isabelle -- Infanta of Spain -- 1566-1633


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