Approximation algorithms for asymmetric TSP by decomposing directed regular multigraphs

Haim Kaplan*, Moshe Lewenstein, Nira Shafrir, Maxim Sviridenko

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Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review

21 Scopus citations


A directed multigraph is said to be d-regular if the indegree and outdegree of every vertex is exactly d. By Hall's theorem one can represent such a multigraph as a combination of a most n 2 cycle covers each taken with an appropriate multiplicity. It is proved that if the d-regular multigaph does not contain more than ⌊d/2⌋ copies of any 2-cycle then a similar decomposition into O(n 2) pairs of cycle covers where each 2-cycle occurs in at most one component of each pair is found.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)56-65
Number of pages10
JournalAnnual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science - Proceedings
StatePublished - 2003
EventProceedings: 44th Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science - FOCS 2003 - Cambridge, MA, United States
Duration: 11 Oct 200314 Oct 2003


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