
Annette Zeischka-Kenzler, Hagi Yohanan, Hauke Kenzler, Tamar Harpak, Barbara Scholkmann, Oren Tal

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From August 2012 to September 2016, five seasons of excavation were conducted at Apollonia (Arsuf; License Nos. G-46/2012, G-74/2013, G-57/2014, G-40/2015, G-78/2016; map ref. 1819/6779). The excavations are the fruit of collaboration between the University of Tübingen (Germany) and Tel Aviv University, and were partially funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG). The project was headed by B. Scholkmann (Tübingen) and O. Tal (Tel Aviv), with the assistance of A. Zeischka-Kenzler and H. Yohanan (field directors), S. Harding, A. Orendi, J. Haeussler and M. Edrey (area supervisors), T. Harpak (registrar), H. Kenzler (landscape archaeology), V. Pirsky, S. Alon, and D. Porotsky (surveyors), P. Shrago (photography), A. Patzelt and M. Waldhör (geophysical surveying), I. Shachar (volunteer coordinator), E. Yehuda (pottery), R. Jackson-Tal (glass), R. Kool (numismatics), A. Glik (WWI militaria), M. Iserlis (thin-section analysis), M. Johananoff (metal detecting), M. Pines and L. Sapir-Hen (archaeozoology), N. Liphschitz and A. Orendi (archaeobotany) and H. Mienis and O. Rittner (mollusks). The labor force (c. 40 participants per season) comprised students from Tel Aviv University and the University of Tübingen, as well as volunteers from Israel and abroad.
Original languageEnglish
JournalHadashot Arkheologiyot Excavations and Surveys in Israel
StatePublished - 12 Aug 2018


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