Anticausatives have no cause(r): A rejoinder to beavers and koontz-garboden (in this issue)

Julia Horvath*, Tal Siloni

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

24 Scopus citations


This paper reaffirms the conclusion of Horvath and Siloni (2011a) that unaccusatives - with or without the so-called reflexive morphology - involve no Cause ingredient whatsoever. Arguments based on the distribution of the modifier by itself, negation, and the Greek cause preposition apo show that. Beavers and Koontz-Garboden's (in this issue) counterarguments to Horvath and Siloni are either based on partial data or confounded by independent factors.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)217-230
Number of pages14
StatePublished - Jul 2013


  • Anticausative
  • By itself diagnostic
  • Cause
  • Cause-PP
  • Reflexivization
  • Unaccusative


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