Anomalous dimension of the twist four gluon operator and pomeron cuts in deep inelastic scattering

E. M. Levin*, M. G. Ryskin, A. G. Shuvaev

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67 Scopus citations


The anomalous dimension of the twist four gluonic operator (γ4) in deep inelastic scattering is calculated in the double log approximation (DLA) of perturbative QCD. It turns out that at N → 1 γ4(N - 1) is close to 2γ2((N - 1)/2) where γ2 is the anomalous dimension of the leading twist operator. It means that at N → 1 the contribution of the twist four operator to the deep inelastic structure function becomes very important and gives rise to the screening correction to the deep inelastic structure function as was taken into account in the nonlinear GLR evolution equation.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)589-616
Number of pages28
JournalNuclear Physics, Section B
Issue number3
StatePublished - 7 Dec 1992
Externally publishedYes


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