Analysis of the Poisson–Nernst–Planck equation in a ball for modeling the Voltage–Current relation in neurobiological microdomains

J. Cartailler, Z. Schuss, D. Holcman*

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21 Scopus citations


The electro-diffusion of ions is often described by the Poisson–Nernst–Planck (PNP) equations, which couple nonlinearly the charge concentration and the electric potential. This model is used, among others, to describe the motion of ions in neuronal micro-compartments. It remains at this time an open question how to determine the relaxation and the steady state distribution of voltage when an initial charge of ions is injected into a domain bounded by an impermeable dielectric membrane. The purpose of this paper is to construct an asymptotic approximation to the solution of the stationary PNP equations in a d-dimensional ball (d=1,2,3) in the limit of large total charge. In this geometry the PNP system reduces to the Liouville–Gelfand–Bratú (LGB) equation, with the difference that the boundary condition is Neumann, not Dirichlet, and there is a minus sign in the exponent of the exponential term. The entire boundary is impermeable to ions and the electric field satisfies the compatibility condition of Poisson's equation. These differences replace attraction by repulsion in the LGB equation, thus completely changing the solution. We find that the voltage is maximal in the center and decreases toward the boundary. We also find that the potential drop between the center and the surface increases logarithmically in the total number of charges and not linearly, as in classical capacitance theory. This logarithmic singularity is obtained for d=3 from an asymptotic argument and cannot be derived from the analysis of the phase portrait. These results are used to derive the relation between the outward current and the voltage in a dendritic spine, which is idealized as a dielectric sphere connected smoothly to the nerve axon by a narrow neck. This is a fundamental microdomain involved in neuronal communication. We compute the escape rate of an ion from the steady density in a ball, which models a neuronal spine head, to a small absorbing window in the sphere. We predict that the current is defined by the narrow neck that is connected to the sphere by a small absorbing window, as suggested by the narrow escape theory, while voltage is controlled by the PNP equations independently of the neck.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)39-48
Number of pages10
JournalPhysica D: Nonlinear Phenomena
StatePublished - 15 Jan 2017


  • Asymptotics
  • Boltzman–Poisson equation
  • Dendritic spine
  • Electro-diffusion
  • First passage time
  • Poisson–Nernst–Planck


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