Analysis of micro‐earthquakes cluster, Dead Sea Basin

Nadav Wetzler, Amir Sagy, Shmulik Marco

Research output: Book/ReportReportpeer-review


In this work we present a seismological investigation of earthquake distribution along the Dead Sea Basin from the years 1985 to 2010. We perform full catalog relocation by double difference method (hypoDD) using catalog times and waveform cross‐correlation. The relocated catalog presents a clearer and more localized seismicity with lineated earthquake clusters. Cluster analysis shows waveform resemblance between events from close events in space and time. We
investigate the relation of these mini‐clusters to known mapped faults and find that in some cases the earthquakes are localized along known faults segments e.g. at the northern DSB (Kalia Fault), and in the southern part of the DSB.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherGeological Survey of Israel
Commissioning bodySTATE OF ISRAEL, THE MINISTRY OF NATIONAL INFRASTRUCTURES, Office of the Chief Scientist
Number of pages16
StatePublished - Mar 2012


  • Dead sea
  • Dead sea basin
  • Earthquakes
  • seismic


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