An electrophysiological study on pathways of the cortico striato pallido center median systems in the cat

B. Blum, A. Elizur, H. Wijsenbeek

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The study reported here provides electrophysiological evidence based on evoked cortical potentials and also on microelectrode data that the putamen receives inputs from the sensorimotor cortex (SM), more or less equally to its various horizontal levels. Furthermore, impulses apparently reach from the putamen to SM after a pallidal relay, which in the cat, is in the entopeduncular nucleus. Support is thus provided at least in 1 respect to the neuroanatomists' claim made on the basis of histological similarities, of homology between the primate globus pallidus medium and the cat nucleus entopeduncularis. These putaminopallidal impulses are transmitted to SM, apparently through mediation of thalamic stations, the CM and VL, possibly via the same pathways which carry corticopetal impulses originating in the pallidum itself. The data shows that the centre median not only influences the striato pallidal interactions with SM, but also that its own interactions with SM are under the regulatory influence of its loop connectivity with the striato pallidum. Center median inputs to the SM are diffuse in contrast to SM outputs to CM which seem to originate in a delimited area of SM. In some cases responses were obtained from SM neurones following CM stimulation which have shown proportionality between burst duration and stimulus intensity. This gives a hint of at least one modulatory effect of CM towards SM which is not related to the above mentioned effects. Besides effects that CM must have on SM on its own account, it was proposed that CM is also an intermediary between pyramidal SM systems and the striato pallidal and cortical extrapyramidal system, acting in either direction with regards to the inputs as well as outputs of these.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)287-297
Number of pages11
JournalInternational Journal of Neurology
Issue number3-4
StatePublished - 1975


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