Abhyankar's affine arithmetic conjecture for the symmetric and alternating groups

Alexei Entin*, Noam Pirani

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We prove that for any prime p>2, q=pν a power of p, n≥p and G=Sn or G=An (symmetric or alternating group), there exists a Galois extension K/Fq(T) ramified only over ∞ with Gal(K/Fq(T))=G. This confirms a conjecture of Abhyankar for the case of symmetric and alternating groups over finite fields of odd characteristic.

Original languageEnglish
Article number107561
JournalJournal of Pure and Applied Algebra
Issue number5
StatePublished - May 2024


FundersFunder number
Israel Science Foundation2507/19


    • Function fields
    • Galois theory
    • Ramification


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