A Three-Layer Framework for a Comprehensive National Cyber-Security Strategy International Engagement on Cyber XI: Safety & Security

Eviatar Matania, Lior Yoffe, Michael Mashkautsan

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


T he growing impact of cyberspace on practically every aspect of our personal and collective lives is no longer a question. Enabling free flow of knowledge, capital, and services with low entry barriers, it improves social welfare and encourages innovation. The reliance of many traditional activities on cyberspace is ever increasing, while new important activities therein regularly emerge. As a result and given its extensive influence on the activities of individuals, rganizations, societies, and economies, cyberspace has gained immense
strategic importance. At the same time, the risks emanating from it have also been rapidly rising, transforming into a completely new type of threat. From initially only endangering information assets, the cyber threat is now
a comprehensive risk to all of the organization's systems-management, services,
operations, security, and others. Once the
exclusive worry of information security officers, it is fiercely drawing the attention of
executives worldwide as one of the major
risks to their organizations.
Furthermore, cybersecurity has long
ceased to be merely a problem of organizations. In recent years it has been globally acknowledged as a tangible threat to numerous
national security interests, such as disruption
of essential processes, services, and infrastructure; harm to human lives; or systemic
failure of national consequence, thereby
emerging as a key priority for policymakers.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)77-84
Number of pages8
JournalGeorgetown Journal of International Affairs
Issue number3
StatePublished - 2016


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