A new experimental analysis method clarifies spectral threshold of laser ocular bioeffects

Amir Langus*, Camil Fuchs, Israel Gannot

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Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review


For more than 10 years there have been discussions regarding the unexplainable significant variation of the ED50 attained with small changes in wavelength, found in the experimental results reported by the USAMRD-WRAIR. Previous studies showed that the probit analysis that was used to estimate the ED50 occasionally yield unreliable results in the special case of data gathered in dose-respond laser-tissue experiment. A reanalysis the data of the USAMRD-WRAIR revealed significant subject's dissimilarity that was not considered in the first analysis. However, though both the subjects dissimilarity and the potential of unreliable probit's estimates could contribute to the spectral ED50 variation, no satisfying analysis and expiation of spectral ED50 has yet been suggested. A new analysis method that inherently incorporates physical and statistical models will be presented. This method enables the identification of the laser damage mechanism and suggests a new spectral ED50. The method can, then, also disclose questionable data sections, which neither complies with the data majority nor follows physical causality.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)131-142
Number of pages12
JournalProceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering
StatePublished - 2003
EventLaser and Noncoherent Light Ocular Effects: Epidemiology, Prevention, and Treatment III - San Jose,CA, United States
Duration: 26 Jan 200327 Jan 2003


  • Action spectrum
  • Analysis
  • Laser tissue interaction
  • Physical modeling
  • Probit


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