A new breed of exchange rate bands: Chile, Israel and Mexico

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19 Scopus citations


Following inflation stabilization programmes where a fixed exchange rate was used as an anchor, a number of countries have gradually shifted towards a regime of increased flexibility. In particular, Chile, Israel and Mexico have for some years adopted a regime of crawling exchange rate bands. This article documents and analyses their unique experience. Of immediate concern is the question whether the shift from fixed to crawling bands is perceived as the signal of a tilt towards policy relaxation. On the contrary, it could be seen as a way of restoring external competitiveness after a period of real appreciation. The evidence collected in this article supports the latter view. The shift to crawling bands is found to have had a stabilizing influence on financial markets, on inflation expectations, and on the passthrough from exchange rates to prices. -from Authors

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)259-306
Number of pages48
JournalEconomic Policy
StatePublished - 1994


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