3-D modeling of gravity and magnetic fields as a final stage of application of effective interpretation system of geophysical data under difficult conditions

B. E. Khesin, V. V. Alexeyev, L. V. Eppelbaum

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An interpretation system of geophysical fields (including gravity and magnetic prospecting, thermal prospecting, Self-Potential, Induced Polarization and VLF method), developed for variable geological medium and inclined surface, is consisting of a few successive stages. On various stages of the system application rugged relief corrections are calculated, different noises of geological and physical nature are eliminating, inverse problems of geophysics are solved. Most important and effective stage of the developed system is 3-D interactive physical-geological modeling of gravity and magnetic fields by the use of GSFC program. The program allows to calculate all components of magnetic field, ΔgB, Δgf.a., Δgobser and as well as second derivatives of gravity potential under conditions of rugged relief and oblique magnetization. The program has following advantage preferences: possibility of terrain relief description by irregularly disposed characteristic points by using a few tenses of profiles; possibility of calculation of boundary influence “earth-air” directly in the process of interpretation by method of selection; possibility of common computing of petrodensity and petromagnetic models. The program is a part of common system IMIGO, allowed to process and to keep various geophysical data files. Using the interpretation system a deep structure of East Caucasus has been exacted and also new peculiarities of geological structure have been revealed. On its basis, for instance a hypogene underthrust of Lesser Caucasus Mesozoic magmatic formations under Greater Caucasus sedimentary deposits has been revealed. The conclusion by results of Saatly Superdeep hole drilling was confirmed.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)177-188
Number of pages12
Issue number3
StatePublished - 1993
Event29th international geological congress : Section 22 symposium on Geomathematics and geoinformatics - Kyoto, Japan
Duration: 24 Aug 19933 Sep 1993
Conference number: 29


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