1979 …2024

Research activity per year

Search results

  • 2012

    Multispectral images of ostraca: Acquisition and analysis

    Faigenbaum, S., Sober, B., Shaus, A., Moinester, M., Piasetzky, E., Bearman, G., Cordonsky, M. & Finkelstein, I., Dec 2012, In: Journal of Archaeological Science. 39, 12, p. 3581-3590 10 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    30 Scopus citations
  • New data strengthen the connection between short range correlations and the EMC effect

    Hen, O., Piasetzky, E. & Weinstein, L. B., 26 Apr 2012, In: Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics. 85, 4, 047301.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    80 Scopus citations
  • OSL dating in multi-strata Tel: Megiddo (Israel) as a case study

    Porat, N., Duller, G. A. T., Roberts, H. M., Piasetzky, E. & Finkelstein, I., Jul 2012, In: Quaternary Geochronology. 10, p. 359-366 8 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    16 Scopus citations
  • Polarization components in π0 photoproduction at photon energies up to 5.6 GeV

    Luo, W., Brash, E. J., Gilman, R., Jones, M. K., Meziane, M., Pentchev, L., Perdrisat, C. F., Puckett, A. J. R., Punjabi, V., Wesselmann, F. R., Ahmidouch, A., Albayrak, I., Aniol, K. A., Arrington, J., Asaturyan, A., Ates, O., Baghdasaryan, H., Benmokhtar, F., Bertozzi, W. & Bimbot, L. & 90 others, Bosted, P., Boeglin, W., Butuceanu, C., Carter, P., Chernenko, S., Christy, M. E., Commisso, M., Cornejo, J. C., Covrig, S., Danagoulian, S., Daniel, A., Davidenko, A., Day, D., Dhamija, S., Dutta, D., Ent, R., Frullani, S., Fenker, H., Frlez, E., Garibaldi, F., Gaskell, D., Gilad, S., Goncharenko, Y., Hafidi, K., Hamilton, D., Higinbotham, D. W., Hinton, W., Horn, T., Hu, B., Huang, J., Huber, G. M., Jensen, E., Kang, H., Keppel, C., Khandaker, M., King, P., Kirillov, D., Kohl, M., Kravtsov, V., Kumbartzki, G., Li, Y., Mamyan, V., Margaziotis, D. J., Markowitz, P., Marsh, A., Matulenko, Y., Maxwell, J., Mbianda, G., Meekins, D., Melnik, Y., Miller, J., Mkrtchyan, A., Mkrtchyan, H., Moffit, B., Moreno, O., Mulholland, J., Narayan, A., Nuruzzaman, Nedev, S., Piasetzky, E., Pierce, W., Piskunov, N. M., Prok, Y., Ransome, R. D., Razin, D. S., Reimer, P. E., Reinhold, J., Rondon, O., Shabestari, M., Shahinyan, A., Shestermanov, K., Airca, S., Sitnik, I., Smykov, L., Smith, G., Solovyev, L., Solvignon, P., Strakovsky, I. I., Subedi, R., Suleiman, R., Tomasi-Gustafsson, E., Vasiliev, A., Veilleux, M., Wood, S., Ye, Z., Zanevsky, Y., Zhang, X., Zhang, Y., Zheng, X. & Zhu, L., 31 May 2012, In: Physical Review Letters. 108, 22, 222004.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    10 Scopus citations
  • Quality evaluation of facsimiles of Hebrew first temple period inscriptions

    Shaus, A., Turkel, E. & Piasetzky, E., 2012, Proceedings - 10th IAPR International Workshop on Document Analysis Systems, DAS 2012. p. 170-174 5 p. 6195357. (Proceedings - 10th IAPR International Workshop on Document Analysis Systems, DAS 2012).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review

    17 Scopus citations
  • 2011

    Constraints on the large-x d/u ratio from electron-nucleus scattering at x>1

    Hen, O., Accardi, A., Melnitchouk, W. & Piasetzky, E., 23 Dec 2011, In: Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology. 84, 11, 117501.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    25 Scopus citations
  • High-precision measurement of the proton elastic form factor ratio μpGE/GM at low Q2

    Zhan, X., Allada, K., Armstrong, D. S., Arrington, J., Bertozzi, W., Boeglin, W., Chen, J. P., Chirapatpimol, K., Choi, S., Chudakov, E., Cisbani, E., Decowski, P., Dutta, C., Frullani, S., Fuchey, E., Garibaldi, F., Gilad, S., Gilman, R., Glister, J. & Hafidi, K. & 52 others, Hahn, B., Hansen, J. O., Higinbotham, D. W., Holmstrom, T., Holt, R. J., Huang, J., Huber, G. M., Itard, F., de Jager, C. W., Jiang, X., Johnson, M., Katich, J., de Leo, R., LeRose, J. J., Lindgren, R., Long, E., Margaziotis, D. J., May-Tal Beck, S., Meekins, D., Michaels, R., Moffit, B., Norum, B. E., Olson, M., Piasetzky, E., Pomerantz, I., Protopopescu, D., Qian, X., Qiang, Y., Rakhman, A., Ransome, R. D., Reimer, P. E., Reinhold, J., Riordan, S., Ron, G., Saha, A., Sarty, A. J., Sawatzky, B., Schulte, E. C., Shabestari, M., Shahinyan, A., Shneor, R., Širca, S., Solvignon, P., Sparveris, N. F., Strauch, S., Subedi, R., Sulkosky, V., Vilardi, I., Wang, Y., Wojtsekhowski, B., Ye, Z. & Zhang, Y., 3 Nov 2011, In: Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics. 705, 1-2, p. 59-64 6 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    181 Scopus citations
  • Iron age Mediterranean Chronology: A rejoinder

    Fantalkin, A., Finkelstein, I. & Piasetzky, E., 2011, In: Radiocarbon. 53, 1, p. 179-198 20 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    27 Scopus citations
  • Low-Q2 measurements of the proton form factor ratio μpG E/GM

    Ron, G., Zhan, X., Glister, J., Lee, B., Allada, K., Armstrong, W., Arrington, J., Beck, A., Benmokhtar, F., Berman, B. L., Boeglin, W., Brash, E., Camsonne, A., Calarco, J., Chen, J. P., Choi, S., Chudakov, E., Coman, L., Craver, B. & Cusanno, F. & 67 others, Dumas, J., Dutta, C., Feuerbach, R., Freyberger, A., Frullani, S., Garibaldi, F., Gilman, R., Hansen, O., Higinbotham, D. W., Holmstrom, T., Hyde, C. E., Ibrahim, H., Ilieva, Y., De Jager, C. W., Jiang, X., Jones, M., Kelleher, A., Khrosinkova, E., Kuchina, E., Kumbartzki, G., Lerose, J. J., Lindgren, R., Markowitz, P., Beck, S. M. T., McCullough, E., Meziane, M., Meziani, Z. E., Michaels, R., Moffit, B., Norum, B. E., Oh, Y., Olson, M., Paolone, M., Paschke, K., Perdrisat, C. F., Piasetzky, E., Potokar, M., Pomatsalyuk, R., Pomerantz, I., Puckett, A. J. R., Punjabi, V., Qian, X., Qiang, Y., Ransome, R., Reyhan, M., Roche, J., Rousseau, Y., Saha, A., Sarty, A. J., Sawatzky, B., Schulte, E., Shabestari, M., Shahinyan, A., Shneor, R., Širca, S., Slifer, K., Solvignon, P., Song, J., Sparks, R., Subedi, R., Strauch, S., Urciuoli, G. M., Wang, K., Wojtsekhowski, B., Yan, X., Yao, H. & Zhu, X., 21 Nov 2011, In: Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics. 84, 5, 055204.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    94 Scopus citations
  • Polarization observables in deuteron photodisintegration below 360 MeV

    Glister, J., Ron, G., Lee, B. W., Gilman, R., Sarty, A. J., Strauch, S., Higinbotham, D. W., Piasetzky, E., Allada, K., Armstrong, W., Arrington, J., Arenhövel, H., Beck, A., Benmokhtar, F., Berman, B. L., Boeglin, W., Brash, E., Camsonne, A., Calarco, J. & Chen, J. P. & 71 others, Choi, S., Chudakov, E., Coman, L., Craver, B., Cusanno, F., Dumas, J., Dutta, C., Feuerbach, R., Freyberger, A., Frullani, S., Garibaldi, F., Hansen, J. O., Holmstrom, T., Hyde, C. E., Ibrahim, H., Ilieva, Y., de Jager, C. W., Jiang, X., Jones, M. K., Kang, H., Kelleher, A., Khrosinkova, E., Kuchina, E., Kumbartzki, G., LeRose, J. J., Lindgren, R., Markowitz, P., May-Tal Beck, S., McCullough, E., Meekins, D., Meziane, M., Meziani, Z. E., Michaels, R., Moffit, B., Norum, B. E., Oh, Y., Olson, M., Paolone, M., Paschke, K., Perdrisat, C. F., Potokar, M., Pomatsalyuk, R., Pomerantz, I., Puckett, A., Punjabi, V., Qian, X., Qiang, Y., Ransome, R. D., Reyhan, M., Roche, J., Rousseau, Y., Saha, A., Sawatzky, B., Schulte, E., Schwamb, M., Shabestari, M., Shahinyan, A., Shneor, R., Širca, S., Slifer, K., Solvignon, P., Song, J., Sparks, R., Subedi, R., Urciuoli, G. M., Wang, K., Wojtsekhowski, B., Yan, X., Yao, H., Zhan, X. & Zhu, X., 7 Mar 2011, In: Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics. 697, 3, p. 194-198 5 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    4 Scopus citations
  • Precise extraction of the induced polarization in the He4(e, e′p→)H3 reaction

    Malace, S. P., Paolone, M., Strauch, S., Albayrak, I., Arrington, J., Berman, B. L., Brash, E. J., Briscoe, B., Camsonne, A., Chen, J. P., Christy, M. E., Chudakov, E., Cisbani, E., Craver, B., Cusanno, F., Ent, R., Garibaldi, F., Gilman, R., Glamazdin, O. & Glister, J. & 38 others, Higinbotham, D. W., Hyde-Wright, C. E., Ilieva, Y., De Jager, C. W., Jiang, X., Jones, M. K., Keppel, C. E., Khrosinkova, E., Kuchina, E., Kumbartzki, G., Lee, B., Lindgren, R., Margaziotis, D. J., Meekins, D., Michaels, R., Park, K., Pentchev, L., Perdrisat, C. F., Piasetzky, E., Punjabi, V. A., Puckett, A. J. R., Qian, X., Qiang, Y., Ransome, R. D., Saha, A., Sarty, A. J., Schulte, E., Solvignon, P., Subedi, R. R., Tang, L., Tedeschi, D., Tvaskis, V., Udias, J. M., Ulmer, P. E., Vignote, J. R., Wesselmann, F. R., Wojtsekhowski, B. & Zhan, X., 31 Jan 2011, In: Physical Review Letters. 106, 5, 052501.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    30 Scopus citations
  • Probing the high momentum component of the deuteron at high Q2

    Boeglin, W. U., Coman, L., Ambrozewicz, P., Aniol, K., Arrington, J., Batigne, G., Bosted, P., Camsonne, A., Chang, G., Chen, J. P., Choi, S., Deur, A., Epstein, M., Finn, J. M., Frullani, S., Furget, C., Garibaldi, F., Gayou, O., Gilman, R. & Hansen, O. & 49 others, Hayes, D., Higinbotham, D. W., Hinton, W., Hyde, C., Ibrahim, H., De Jager, C. W., Jiang, X., Jones, M. K., Kaufman, L. J., Klein, A., Kox, S., Kramer, L., Kumbartzki, G., Laget, J. M., Lerose, J., Lindgren, R., Margaziotis, D. J., Markowitz, P., McCormick, K., Meziani, Z., Michaels, R., Milbrath, B., Mitchell, J., Monaghan, P., Moteabbed, M., Moussiegt, P., Nasseripour, R., Paschke, K., Perdrisat, C., Piasetzky, E., Punjabi, V., Qattan, I. A., Quéméner, G., Ransome, R. D., Raue, B., Réal, J. S., Reinhold, J., Reitz, B., Roché, R., Roedelbronn, M., Saha, A., Slifer, K., Solvignon, P., Sulkosky, V., Ulmer, P. E., Voutier, E., Weinstein, L. B., Wojtsekhowski, B. & Zeier, M., 19 Dec 2011, In: Physical Review Letters. 107, 26, 262501.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    44 Scopus citations
  • Search for a new gauge boson in electron-nucleus fixed-target scattering by the APEX experiment

    Abrahamyan, S., Ahmed, Z., Allada, K., Anez, D., Averett, T., Barbieri, A., Bartlett, K., Beacham, J., Bono, J., Boyce, J. R., Brindza, P., Camsonne, A., Cranmer, K., Dalton, M. M., De Jager, C. W., Donaghy, J., Essig, R., Field, C., Folts, E. & Gasparian, A. & 46 others, Goeckner-Wald, N., Gomez, J., Graham, M., Hansen, J. O., Higinbotham, D. W., Holmstrom, T., Huang, J., Iqbal, S., Jaros, J., Jensen, E., Kelleher, A., Khandaker, M., Lerose, J. J., Lindgren, R., Liyanage, N., Long, E., Mammei, J., Markowitz, P., Maruyama, T., Maxwell, V., Mayilyan, S., McDonald, J., Michaels, R., Moffeit, K., Nelyubin, V., Odian, A., Oriunno, M., Partridge, R., Paolone, M., Piasetzky, E., Pomerantz, I., Qiang, Y., Riordan, S., Roblin, Y., Sawatzky, B., Schuster, P., Segal, J., Selvy, L., Shahinyan, A., Subedi, R., Sulkosky, V., Stepanyan, S., Toro, N., Walz, D., Wojtsekhowski, B. & Zhang, J., 4 Nov 2011, In: Physical Review Letters. 107, 19, 191804.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    291 Scopus citations
  • Search for effects beyond the born approximation in polarization transfer observables in e→p elastic scattering

    Meziane, M., Brash, E. J., Gilman, R., Jones, M. K., Luo, W., Pentchev, L., Perdrisat, C. F., Puckett, A. J. R., Punjabi, V., Wesselmann, F. R., Ahmidouch, A., Albayrak, I., Aniol, K. A., Arrington, J., Asaturyan, A., Ates, O., Baghdasaryan, H., Benmokhtar, F., Bertozzi, W. & Bimbot, L. & 91 others, Bosted, P., Boeglin, W., Butuceanu, C., Carter, P., Chernenko, S., Christy, E., Commisso, M., Cornejo, J. C., Covrig, S., Danagoulian, S., Daniel, A., Davidenko, A., Day, D., Dhamija, S., Dutta, D., Ent, R., Frullani, S., Fenker, H., Frlez, E., Garibaldi, F., Gaskell, D., Gilad, S., Goncharenko, Y., Hafidi, K., Hamilton, D., Higinbotham, D. W., Hinton, W., Horn, T., Hu, B., Huang, J., Huber, G. M., Jensen, E., Kang, H., Keppel, C., Khandaker, M., King, P., Kirillov, D., Kohl, M., Kravtsov, V., Kumbartzki, G., Li, Y., Mamyan, V., Margaziotis, D. J., Markowitz, P., Marsh, A., Matulenko, Y., Maxwell, J., Mbianda, G., Meekins, D., Melnik, Y., Miller, J., Mkrtchyan, A., Mkrtchyan, H., Moffit, B., Moreno, O., Mulholland, J., Narayan, A., Nuruzzaman, Nedev, S., Piasetzky, E., Pierce, W., Piskunov, N. M., Prok, Y., Ransome, R. D., Razin, D. S., Reimer, P. E., Reinhold, J., Rondon, O., Shabestari, M., Shahinyan, A., Shestermanov, K., Åirca, S., Sitnik, I., Smykov, L., Smith, G., Solovyev, L., Solvignon, P., Subedi, R., Suleiman, R., Tomasi-Gustafsson, E., Vasiliev, A., Vanderhaeghen, M., Veilleux, M., Wojtsekhowski, B. B., Wood, S., Ye, Z., Zanevsky, Y., Zhang, X., Zhang, Y., Zheng, X. & Zhu, L., 29 Mar 2011, In: Physical Review Letters. 106, 13, 132501.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    86 Scopus citations
  • Short-distance structure of nuclei

    Higinbotham, D. W., Piasetzky, E., Weinstein, L. & Wood, S. A., 2011, In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 299, 1, 012010.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    5 Scopus citations
  • Short range correlations and the EMC effect

    Weinstein, L. B., Piasetzky, E., Higinbotham, D. W., Gomez, J., Hen, O. & Shneor, R., 4 Feb 2011, In: Physical Review Letters. 106, 5, 052301.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    176 Scopus citations
  • Short range correlations and the EMC effect

    Piasetzky, E., Weinstein, L. B., Higinbotham, D. W., Gomez, J., Hen, O. & Shneor, R., 1 Apr 2011, In: Nuclear Physics A. 855, 1, p. 245-248 4 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    4 Scopus citations
  • The iron age chronology debate: Is the gap narrowing?

    Finkelstein, I. & Piasetzky, E., Mar 2011, In: Near Eastern Archaeology. 74, 1, p. 50-54 5 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    83 Scopus citations
  • 2010

    Correlated protons in 3He photo-disintegration

    Gilman, R., Higinbotham, D., Piasetzky, E., Pomerantz, I. & Strauch, S., 12 Apr 2010, In: EPJ Web of Conferences. 3, 04003.

    Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • Cross sections and Rosenbluth separations in H1(e,eK +)Λ up to Q2=2.35GeV2

    Coman, M., Markowitz, P., Aniol, K. A., Baker, K., Boeglin, W. U., Breuer, H., Bydẑovský, P., Camsonne, A., Cha, J., Chang, C. C., Chant, N., Chen, J. P., Chudakov, E. A., Cisbani, E., Cole, L., Cusanno, F., De Jager, C. W., De Leo, R., Deur, A. P. & Dieterich, S. & 66 others, Dohrmann, F., Dutta, D., Ent, R., Filoti, O., Fissum, K., Frullani, S., Garibaldi, F., Gayou, O., Gilman, F., Gomez, J., Gueye, P., Hansen, J. O., Higinbotham, D. W., Hinton, W., Horn, T., Hu, B., Huber, G. M., Iodice, M., Jackson, C., Jiang, X., Jones, M., Kanda, K., Keppel, C., King, P., Klein, F., Kozlov, K., Kramer, K., Kramer, L., Lagamba, L., Lerose, J. J., Liyanage, N., Margaziotis, D. J., Marrone, S., McCormick, K., Michaels, R. W., Mitchell, J., Miyoshi, T., Nanda, S., Palomba, M., Pattichio, V., Perdrisat, C. F., Piasetzky, E., Punjabi, V. A., Raue, B., Reinhold, J., Reitz, B., Roche, R. E., Roos, P., Saha, A., Sarty, A. J., Sato, Y., Airca, S., Sotona, M., Tang, L., Ueno, H., Ulmer, P. E., Urciuoli, G. M., Uzzle, A., Vacheret, A., Wang, K., Wijesooriya, K., Wojtsekhowski, B., Wood, S., Yaron, I., Zheng, X. & Zhu, L., 24 May 2010, In: Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics. 81, 5, 052201.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    23 Scopus citations
  • Hard photodisintegration of a proton pair

    Pomerantz, I., Bubis, N., Allada, K., Beck, A., Beck, S., Berman, B. L., Boeglin, W., Camsonne, A., Canan, M., Chirapatpimol, K., Cisbani, E., Cusanno, F., de Jager, C. W., Dutta, C., Garibaldi, F., Geagla, O., Gilman, R., Glister, J., Higinbotham, D. W. & Jiang, X. & 30 others, Katramatou, A. T., Khrosinkova, E., Lee, B. W., LeRose, J. J., Lindgren, R., McCullough, E., Meekins, D., Michaels, R., Moffit, B., Petratos, G. G., Piasetzky, E., Qian, X., Qiang, Y., Rodriguez, I., Ron, G., Saha, A., Sarty, A. J., Sawatzky, B., Schulte, E., Shneor, R., Sparveris, N., Subedi, R., Strauch, S., Sulkosky, V., Wang, Y., Wojtsekhowski, B., Yan, X., Yao, H., Zhan, X. & Zheng, X., 8 Feb 2010, In: Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics. 684, 2-3, p. 106-109 4 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    15 Scopus citations
  • Khirbet qeiyafa: Absolute chronology

    Finkelstein, I. & Piasetzky, E., Jun 2010, In: Tel Aviv. 37, 1, p. 84-88 5 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    18 Scopus citations
  • Measurements of the electric form factor of the neutron up to Q 2=3.4 GeV2 using the reaction 3He→(e→,e′n) pp

    Riordan, S., Abrahamyan, S., Craver, B., Kelleher, A., Kolarkar, A., Miller, J., Cates, G. D., Liyanage, N., Wojtsekhowski, B., Acha, A., Allada, K., Anderson, B., Aniol, K. A., Annand, J. R. M., Arrington, J., Averett, T., Beck, A., Bellis, M., Boeglin, W. & Breuer, H. & 98 others, Calarco, J. R., Camsonne, A., Chen, J. P., Chudakov, E., Coman, L., Crowe, B., Cusanno, F., Day, D., Degtyarenko, P., Dolph, P. A. M., Dutta, C., Ferdi, C., Fernández-Ramírez, C., Feuerbach, R., Fraile, L. M., Franklin, G., Frullani, S., Fuchs, S., Garibaldi, F., Gevorgyan, N., Gilman, R., Glamazdin, A., Gomez, J., Grimm, K., Hansen, J. O., Herraiz, J. L., Higinbotham, D. W., Holmes, R., Holmstrom, T., Howell, D., De Jager, C. W., Jiang, X., Jones, M. K., Katich, J., Kaufman, L. J., Khandaker, M., Kelly, J. J., Kiselev, D., Korsch, W., Lerose, J., Lindgren, R., Markowitz, P., Margaziotis, D. J., Beck, S. M. T., Mayilyan, S., McCormick, K., Meziani, Z. E., Michaels, R., Moffit, B., Nanda, S., Nelyubin, V., Ngo, T., Nikolenko, D. M., Norum, B., Pentchev, L., Perdrisat, C. F., Piasetzky, E., Pomatsalyuk, R., Protopopescu, D., Puckett, A. J. R., Punjabi, V. A., Qian, X., Qiang, Y., Quinn, B., Rachek, I., Ransome, R. D., Reimer, P. E., Reitz, B., Roche, J., Ron, G., Rondon, O., Rosner, G., Saha, A., Sargsian, M. M., Sawatzky, B., Segal, J., Shabestari, M., Shahinyan, A., Shestakov, Y., Singh, J., Širca, S., Souder, P., Stepanyan, S., Stibunov, V., Sulkosky, V., Tajima, S., Tobias, W. A., Udias, J. M., Urciuoli, G. M., Vlahovic, B., Voskanyan, H., Wang, K., Wesselmann, F. R., Vignote, J. R., Wood, S. A., Wright, J., Yao, H. & Zhu, X., 30 Dec 2010, In: Physical Review Letters. 105, 26, 262302.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    124 Scopus citations
  • Polarization transfer in the He4(e→,e p→)H3 Reaction at Q2=0.8 and 1.3(GeV/c) 2

    Paolone, M., Malace, S. P., Strauch, S., Albayrak, I., Arrington, J., Berman, B. L., Brash, E. J., Briscoe, B., Camsonne, A., Chen, J. P., Christy, M. E., Chudakov, E., Cisbani, E., Craver, B., Cusanno, F., Ent, R., Garibaldi, F., Gilman, R., Glamazdin, O. & Glister, J. & 38 others, Higinbotham, D. W., Hyde-Wright, C. E., Ilieva, Y., De Jager, C. W., Jiang, X., Jones, M. K., Keppel, C. E., Khrosinkova, E., Kuchina, E., Kumbartzki, G., Lee, B., Lindgren, R., Margaziotis, D. J., Meekins, D., Michaels, R., Park, K., Pentchev, L., Perdrisat, C. F., Piasetzky, E., Punjabi, V. A., Puckett, A. J. R., Qian, X., Qiang, Y., Ransome, R. D., Saha, A., Sarty, A. J., Schulte, E., Solvignon, P., Subedi, R. R., Tang, L., Tedeschi, D., Tvaskis, V., Udias, J. M., Ulmer, P. E., Vignote, J. R., Wesselmann, F. R., Wojtsekhowski, B. & Zhan, X., 12 Aug 2010, In: Physical Review Letters. 105, 7, 072001.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    104 Scopus citations
  • Radiocarbon dating the Iron Age in the Levant: A Bayesian model for six ceramic phases and six transitions

    Finkelstein, I. & Piasetzky, E., Jun 2010, In: Antiquity. 84, 324, p. 374-385 12 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    105 Scopus citations
  • Recoil polarization measurements of the proton electromagnetic form factor ratio to Q2=8.5GeV2

    Puckett, A. J. R., Brash, E. J., Jones, M. K., Luo, W., Meziane, M., Pentchev, L., Perdrisat, C. F., Punjabi, V., Wesselmann, F. R., Ahmidouch, A., Albayrak, I., Aniol, K. A., Arrington, J., Asaturyan, A., Baghdasaryan, H., Benmokhtar, F., Bertozzi, W., Bimbot, L., Bosted, P. & Boeglin, W. & 86 others, Butuceanu, C., Carter, P., Chernenko, S., Christy, E., Commisso, M., Cornejo, J. C., Covrig, S., Danagoulian, S., Daniel, A., Davidenko, A., Day, D., Dhamija, S., Dutta, D., Ent, R., Frullani, S., Fenker, H., Frlez, E., Garibaldi, F., Gaskell, D., Gilad, S., Gilman, R., Goncharenko, Y., Hafidi, K., Hamilton, D., Higinbotham, D. W., Hinton, W., Horn, T., Hu, B., Huang, J., Huber, G. M., Jensen, E., Keppel, C., Khandaker, M., King, P., Kirillov, D., Kohl, M., Kravtsov, V., Kumbartzki, G., Li, Y., Mamyan, V., Margaziotis, D. J., Marsh, A., Matulenko, Y., Maxwell, J., Mbianda, G., Meekins, D., Melnik, Y., Miller, J., Mkrtchyan, A., Mkrtchyan, H., Moffit, B., Moreno, O., Mulholland, J., Narayan, A., Nedev, S., Nuruzzaman, Piasetzky, E., Pierce, W., Piskunov, N. M., Prok, Y., Ransome, R. D., Razin, D. S., Reimer, P., Reinhold, J., Rondon, O., Shabestari, M., Shahinyan, A., Shestermanov, K., Širca, S., Sitnik, I., Smykov, L., Smith, G., Solovyev, L., Solvignon, P., Subedi, R., Tomasi-Gustafsson, E., Vasiliev, A., Veilleux, M., Wojtsekhowski, B. B., Wood, S., Ye, Z., Zanevsky, Y., Zhang, X., Zhang, Y., Zheng, X. & Zhu, L., 18 Jun 2010, In: Physical Review Letters. 104, 24, 242301.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

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    270 Scopus citations
  • The iron I/IIA transition in the Levant: A reply to Mazar and bronk ramsey and a new perspective

    Finkelstein, I. & Piasetzky, E., 2010, In: Radiocarbon. 52, 4, p. 1667-1680 14 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    25 Scopus citations
  • 2009

    A concept for the experimental determination of the nucleon electric to magnetic form factor ratio at very low Q2

    Ron, G., Piasetzky, E. & Wojtsekhowski, B., 2009, In: Journal of Instrumentation. 4, 5, P05005.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    1 Scopus citations
  • High-Resolution spectroscopy of NΛ16 by electroproduction

    Cusanno, F., Urciuoli, G. M., Acha, A., Ambrozewicz, P., Aniol, K. A., Baturin, P., Bertin, P. Y., Benaoum, H., Blomqvist, K. I., Boeglin, W. U., Breuer, H., Brindza, P., Bydžovský, P., Camsonne, A., Chang, C. C., Chen, J. P., Choi, S., Chudakov, E. A., Cisbani, E. & Colilli, S. & 79 others, Coman, L., Craver, B. J., De Cataldo, G., De Jager, C. W., De Leo, R., Deur, A. P., Ferdi, C., Feuerbach, R. J., Folts, E., Fratoni, R., Frullani, S., Garibaldi, F., Gayou, O., Giuliani, F., Gomez, J., Gricia, M., Hansen, J. O., Hayes, D., Higinbotham, D. W., Holmstrom, T. K., Hyde, C. E., Ibrahim, H. F., Iodice, M., Jiang, X., Kaufman, L. J., Kino, K., Kross, B., Lagamba, L., Lerose, J. J., Lindgren, R. A., Lucentini, M., Margaziotis, D. J., Markowitz, P., Marrone, S., Meziani, Z. E., McCormick, K., Michaels, R. W., Millener, D. J., Miyoshi, T., Moffit, B., Monaghan, P. A., Moteabbed, M., Muñoz Camacho, C., Nanda, S., Nappi, E., Nelyubin, V. V., Norum, B. E., Okasyasu, Y., Paschke, K. D., Perdrisat, C. F., Piasetzky, E., Punjabi, V. A., Qiang, Y., Raue, B., Reimer, P. E., Reinhold, J., Reitz, B., Roche, R. E., Rodriguez, V. M., Saha, A., Santavenere, F., Sarty, A. J., Segal, J., Shahinyan, A., Singh, J., Širca, S., Snyder, R., Solvignon, P. H., Sotona, M., Subedi, R., Sulkosky, V. A., Suzuki, T., Ueno, H., Ulmer, P. E., Veneroni, P., Voutier, E., Wojtsekhowski, B. B., Zheng, X. & Zorn, C., 9 Nov 2009, In: Physical Review Letters. 103, 20, 202501.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

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    59 Scopus citations
  • Neutron properties in the medium

    Cloët, I. C., Miller, G. A., Piasetzky, E. & Ron, G., 18 Aug 2009, In: Physical Review Letters. 103, 8, 082301.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

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    29 Scopus citations
  • Proton polarimeter calibration between 82 and 217 MeV

    Glister, J., Ron, G., Lee, B., Beck, A., Brash, E., Camsonne, A., Choi, S., Dumas, J., Feuerbach, R., Gilman, R., Higinbotham, D. W., Jiang, X., Jones, M. K., May-Tal Beck, S., McCullough, E., Paolone, M., Piasetzky, E., Roche, J., Rousseau, Y. & Sarty, A. J. & 2 others, Sawatzky, B. & Strauch, S., 21 Jul 2009, In: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment. 606, 3, p. 578-584 7 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    7 Scopus citations
  • Radiocarbon-dated destruction layers: A skeleton for iron age chronology in the levant

    Finkelstein, I. & Piasetzky, E., 2009, In: Oxford Journal of Archaeology. 28, 3, p. 255-274 20 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    74 Scopus citations
  • Short Range Correlations and Color Transparency

    Piasetzky, E., 15 Aug 2009, In: Nuclear Physics A. 827, 1-4, p. 85c-92c

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    1 Scopus citations
  • 2008

    Hard photodisintegration of proton pairs in 3He

    Piasetzky, E., Pomerantz, I., Higinbotham, D., Strauch, S. & Gilman, R., 2008, Sixth International Conference on Perspectives in Hadronic Physics. p. 280-286 7 p. (AIP Conference Proceedings; vol. 1056).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review

    1 Scopus citations
  • Probing cold dense nuclear matter

    Subedi, R., Shneor, R., Monaghan, P., Anderson, B. D., Aniol, K., Annand, J., Arrington, J., Benaoum, H., Benmokhtar, F., Boeglin, W., Chen, J. P., Choi, S., Cisbani, E., Craver, B., Frullani, S., Garibaldi, F., Gilad, S., Gilman, R., Glamazdin, O. & Hansen, J. O. & 44 others, Higinbotham, D. W., Holmstrom, T., Ibrahim, H., Igarashi, R., De Jager, C. W., Jans, E., Jiang, X., Kaufman, L. J., Kelleher, A., Kolarkar, A., Kumbartzki, G., LeRose, J. J., Lindgren, R., Liyanage, N., Margaziotis, D. J., Markowitz, P., Marrone, S., Mazouz, M., Meekins, D., Michaels, R., Moffit, B., Perdrisat, C. F., Piasetzky, E., Potokar, M., Punjabi, V., Qiang, Y., Reinhold, J., Ron, G., Rosner, G., Saha, A., Sawatzky, B., Shahinyan, A., Širca, S., Slifer, K., Solvignon, P., Sulkosky, V., Urciuoli, G. M., Voutier, E., Watson, J. W., Weinstein, L. B., Wojtsekhowski, B., Wood, S., Zheng, X. C. & Zhu, L., 13 Jun 2008, In: Science. 320, 5882, p. 1476-1478 3 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    389 Scopus citations
  • Proton electromagnetic-form-factor ratios at low Q2

    Miller, G. A., Piasetzky, E. & Ron, G., 22 Aug 2008, In: Physical Review Letters. 101, 8, 082002.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    28 Scopus citations
  • Radiocarbon and the history of copper production at khirbet en–nahas

    Finkelstein, I. & Piasetzky, E., Mar 2008, In: Tel Aviv. 35, 1, p. 82-95 14 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    43 Scopus citations
  • The date of kuntillet ‘Ajrud: The 14c perspective

    Finkelstein, I. & Piasetzky, E., Sep 2008, In: Tel Aviv. 35, 2, p. 175-185 11 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    19 Scopus citations
  • Three snapshots of the Iron IIA: the northern valleys, the southern steppe, and Jerusalem

    Finkelstein, I., Fantalkin, A. & Piasetzky, E., 2008, Israel in Transition: from Late Bronze II to Iron IIa (c. 1250-850 BCE). Grabbe, L. L. (ed.). New York: T & T Clark, p. 32-44 13 p.

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review

  • Three Snapshots of the Iron Iia: The Northern Valleys, the Southern Steppe, and Jerusalem

    Finkelstein, I., Fantalkin, A. & Piasetzky, E., 1 Jan 2008, Israel in Transition: From Late Bronze II to Iron IIa (c. 1250-850 BCE): 1 The Archaeology. Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, p. 32-44 13 p.

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review

    11 Scopus citations
  • 2007

    Compton-scattering cross section on the proton at high momentum transfer

    Danagoulian, A., Mamyan, V. H., Roedelbronn, M., Aniol, K. A., Annand, J. R. M., Bertin, P. Y., Bimbot, L., Bosted, P., Calarco, J. R., Camsonne, A., Chang, C. C., Chang, T. H., Chen, J. P., Choi, S., Chudakov, E., Degtyarenko, P., De Jager, C. W., Deur, A., Dutta, D. & Egiyan, K. & 69 others, Gao, H., Garibaldi, F., Gayou, O., Gilman, R., Glamazdin, A., Glashausser, C., Gomez, J., Hamilton, D. J., Hansen, J. O., Hayes, D., Higinbotham, D. W., Hinton, W., Horn, T., Howell, C., Hunyady, T., Hyde, C. E., Jiang, X., Jones, M. K., Khandaker, M., Ketikyan, A., Kubarovsky, V., Kramer, K., Kumbartzki, G., Laveissière, G., Lerose, J., Lindgren, R. A., Margaziotis, D. J., Markowitz, P., McCormick, K., Meekins, D. G., Meziani, Z. E., Michaels, R., Moussiegt, P., Nanda, S., Nathan, A. M., Nikolenko, D. M., Nelyubin, V., Norum, B. E., Paschke, K., Pentchev, L., Perdrisat, C. F., Piasetzky, E., Pomatsalyuk, R., Punjabi, V. A., Rachek, I., Radyushkin, A., Reitz, B., Roche, R., Ron, G., Sabatié, F., Saha, A., Savvinov, N., Shahinyan, A., Shestakov, Y., Širca, S., Slifer, K., Solvignon, P., Stoler, P., Tajima, S., Sulkosky, V., Todor, L., Vlahovic, B., Weinstein, L. B., Wang, K., Wojtsekhowski, B., Voskanyan, H., Xiang, H., Zheng, X. & Zhu, L., 9 Apr 2007, In: Physical Review Letters. 98, 15, 152001.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    53 Scopus citations
  • High resolution spectroscopy of BΛ12 by electroproduction

    Iodice, M., Cusanno, F., Acha, A., Ambrozewicz, P., Aniol, K. A., Baturin, P., Bertin, P. Y., Benaoum, H., Blomqvist, K. I., Boeglin, W. U., Breuer, H., Brindza, P., Bydžovský, P., Camsonne, A., Chang, C. C., Chen, J. P., Choi, S., Chudakov, E. A., Cisbani, E. & Colilli, S. & 81 others, Coman, L., Craver, B. J., De Cataldo, G., De Jager, C. W., De Leo, R., Deur, A. P., Ferdi, C., Feuerbach, R. J., Folts, E., Fratoni, R., Frullani, S., Garibaldi, F., Gayou, O., Giulani, F., Gomez, J., Gricia, M., Hansen, J. O., Hayes, D., Higinbotham, D. W., Holmstrom, T. K., Hyde, C. E., Ibrahim, H. F., Jiang, X., Kaufman, L. J., Kino, K., Kross, B., Lagamba, L., Lerose, J. J., Lindgren, R. A., Lucentini, M., Margaziotis, D. J., Markowitz, P., Marrone, S., Meziani, Z. E., McCormick, K., Michaels, R. W., Millener, D. J., Miyoshi, T., Moffit, B., Monaghan, P. A., Moteabbed, M., Muñoz Camacho, C., Nanda, S., Nappi, E., Nelyubin, V. V., Norum, B. E., Okasyasu, Y., Paschke, K. D., Perdrisat, C. F., Piasetzky, E., Punjabi, V. A., Qiang, Y., Raue, B., Reimer, P. E., Reinhold, J., Reitz, B., Roche, R. E., Rodriguez, V. M., Saha, A., Santavenere, F., Sarty, A. J., Segal, J., Shahinyan, A., Singh, J., Širca, S., Snyder, R., Solvignon, P. H., Sotona, M., Subedi, R., Sulkosky, V. A., Suzuki, T., Ueno, H., Ulmer, P. E., Urciuoli, G. M., Veneroni, P., Voutier, E., Wojtsekhowski, B. B., Ye, Y., Zheng, X., Zhou, S. & Zorn, C., 1 Aug 2007, In: Physical Review Letters. 99, 5, 052501.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    67 Scopus citations
  • Investigation of proton-proton short-range correlations via the C12(e,e′pp) reaction

    Shneor, R., Monaghan, P., Subedi, R., Anderson, B. D., Aniol, K., Annand, J., Arrington, J., Benaoum, H., Benmokhtar, F., Bertin, P., Bertozzi, W., Boeglin, W., Chen, J. P., Choi, S., Chudakov, E., Cisbani, E., Craver, B., De Jager, C. W., Feuerbach, R. J. & Frullani, S. & 58 others, Garibaldi, F., Gayou, O., Gilad, S., Gilman, R., Glamazdin, O., Gomez, J., Hansen, J. O., Higinbotham, D. W., Holmstrom, T., Ibrahim, H., Igarashi, R., Jans, E., Jiang, X., Jiang, Y., Kaufman, L., Kelleher, A., Kolarkar, A., Kuchina, E., Kumbartzki, G., Lerose, J. J., Lindgren, R., Liyanage, N., Margaziotis, D. J., Markowitz, P., Marrone, S., Mazouz, M., Meekins, D., Michaels, R., Moffit, B., Nanda, S., Perdrisat, C. F., Piasetzky, E., Potokar, M., Punjabi, V., Qiang, Y., Reinhold, J., Reitz, B., Ron, G., Rosner, G., Saha, A., Sawatzky, B., Shahinyan, A., Širca, S., Slifer, K., Solvignon, P., Sulkosky, V., Thompson, N., Ulmer, P. E., Urciuoli, G. M., Voutier, E., Wang, K., Watson, J. W., Weinstein, L. B., Wojtsekhowski, B., Wood, S., Yao, H., Zheng, X. & Zhu, L., 17 Aug 2007, In: Physical Review Letters. 99, 7, 072501.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

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    169 Scopus citations
  • Measurements of the proton elastic-form-factor ratio μpGEp/GMp at low momentum transfer

    Ron, G., Glister, J., Lee, B., Allada, K., Armstrong, W., Arrington, J., Beck, A., Benmokhtar, F., Berman, B. L., Boeglin, W., Brash, E., Camsonne, A., Calarco, J., Chen, J. P., Choi, S., Chudakov, E., Coman, L., Craver, B., Cusanno, F. & Dumas, J. & 69 others, Dutta, C., Feuerbach, R., Freyberger, A., Frullani, S., Garibaldi, F., Gilman, R., Hansen, O., Higinbotham, D. W., Holmstrom, T., Hyde, C. E., Ibrahim, H., Ilieva, Y., De Jager, C. W., Jiang, X., Jones, M. K., Kang, H., Kelleher, A., Khrosinkova, E., Kuchina, E., Kumbartzki, G., Lerose, J. J., Lindgren, R., Markowitz, P., May-Tal Beck, S., McCullough, E., Meekins, D., Meziane, M., Meziani, Z. E., Michaels, R., Moffit, B., Norum, B. E., Oh, Y., Olson, M., Paolone, M., Paschke, K., Perdrisat, C. F., Piasetzky, E., Potokar, M., Pomatsalyuk, R., Pomerantz, I., Puckett, A., Punjabi, V., Qian, X., Qiang, Y., Ransome, R., Reyhan, M., Roche, J., Rousseau, Y., Saha, A., Sarty, A. J., Sawatzky, B., Schulte, E., Shabestari, M., Shahinyan, A., Shneor, R., Širca, S., Slifer, K., Solvignon, P., Song, J., Sparks, R., Subedi, R., Strauch, S., Urciuoli, G. M., Wang, K., Wojtsekhowski, B., Yan, X., Yao, H., Zhan, X. & Zhu, X., 13 Nov 2007, In: Physical Review Letters. 99, 20, 202002.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    53 Scopus citations
  • Radiocarbon dating and philistine chronology with an addendum on el-ahwat

    Finkelstein, I. & Piasetzky, E., 2007, In: Agypten und Levante. 17, p. 73-82 10 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    20 Scopus citations
  • Search for Σ50,N50, and Θ++ pentaquark states

    Qiang, Y., Annand, J., Arrington, J., Azimov, Y. I., Bertozzi, W., Cates, G., Chen, J. P., Choi, S., Chudakov, E., Cusanno, F., Jager, C. W. D., Epstein, M., Feuerbach, R. J., Garibaldi, F., Gayou, O., Gilman, R., Gomez, J., Hamilton, D. J., Hansen, J. O. & Higinbotham, D. W. & 34 others, Holmstrom, T., Iodice, M., Jiang, X., Jones, M., Lerose, J., Lindgren, R., Liyanage, N., Margaziotis, D. J., Markowitz, P., Mamyan, V., Michaels, R., Meziani, Z. E., Monaghan, P., Muñoz-Camacho, C., Nelyubin, V., Paschke, K., Piasetzky, E., Rachek, I., Reimer, P. E., Reinhold, J., Reitz, B., Roche, R., Saha, A., Sarty, A. J., Schulte, E., Shahinyan, A., Sheyor, R., Singh, J., Strakovsky, I. I., Subedi, R., Suleiman, R., Sulkovsky, V., Wojtsekhowski, B. & Zheng, X., 25 May 2007, In: Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics. 75, 5, 055208.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    6 Scopus citations
  • Studying close proximity proton pairs in nuclei via large momentum transfer exclusive electron nucleus reactions

    Piasetzky, E., 1 Feb 2007, In: Nuclear Physics A. 782, 1-4, p. 207-214 8 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    2 Scopus citations
  • 2006

    14C and the iron age chronology debate: Rehov, Khirbet En-Nahas, Dan, and Megiddo

    Finkelstein, I. & Piasetzky, E., 2006, In: Radiocarbon. 48, 3, p. 373-386 14 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    29 Scopus citations
  • Evidence for strong dominance of proton-neutron correlations in nuclei

    Piasetzky, E., Sargsian, M., Frankfurt, L., Strikman, M. & Watson, J. W., 2006, In: Physical Review Letters. 97, 16, 162504.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    233 Scopus citations