Leonard Leibovici
- Faculty of Medicine, Clinical Departments - Full Professor (Emeritus), Former employee
Person: Retired
Vered Schechner
- Faculty of Medicine, Epidemiology & Preventive Medicine - Senior Lecturer
Person: Clinical
Joseph Klausner
- Faculty of Medicine, Clinical Departments - Full Professor (Emeritus), Former employee
Person: Retired
Hanan Gur
- Faculty of Medicine, Clinical Departments - Clinical Associate Professor (Retiree), Former employee
Person: Retired
Gabriel Chodick
- Faculty of Medicine, School of Public Health - Full Professor
Person: Clinical, Academic
Ella Mendelson
- Faculty of Medicine, School of Public Health - Assoicate Professor (Retiree), Former employee
Person: Retired
Shmuel Kivity
- Faculty of Medicine, Clinical Departments - Assoicate Professor (Retiree), Former employee
Person: Retired
Julia Barda Fishler
- Faculty of Medicine, Obstetrics & Gynecology - Clinical Senior Lecturer
Person: Clinical
Ido Laskov
- Faculty of Medicine, Obstetrics & Gynecology - Clinical Associate Professor
Person: Clinical
Aliza Zeidman
- Faculty of Medicine, Clinical Departments - Teaching Associate with the Rank of Lecturer (Retiree), Former employee
Person: Retired
Marcel Topilsky
- Faculty of Medicine, Clinical Departments - Assoicate Professor (Retiree), Former employee
Person: Retired
Shiri Shulman
- Faculty of Medicine, Ophthalmology - Clinical Senior Lecturer (Former), Former employee
Person: Clinical
Khitam Muhsen
- Faculty of Medicine, School of Public Health - Full Professor, Department Chair
Person: Academic
Nadav Michaan
- Faculty of Medicine, Obstetrics & Gynecology - Clinical Senior Lecturer
Person: Clinical
Anat Engel
- Faculty of Medicine, Medical Education - Teaching Associate Senior Lecture
Person: Clinical
Michaella Bhira Goldstein Schwarz
- Faculty of Medicine, Ophthalmology - Clinical Associate Professor
Person: Clinical
Joseph-Zvi Tchebiner
- Faculty of Medicine, Internal Medicine - Teaching Associate Clinical Lecture
Person: Clinical
Shlomo Constantini
- Faculty of Medicine, Neurology & Neurosurgery - Clinical (Full) Professor
Person: Clinical
Elizabeth Temkin
- Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center
- Ministry of Health, Israel
- Tel Aviv University
- National Center for Infection Control and Antibiotic Resistance
External person
G. L. Daikos
- National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
- Laiko Hospital
- Laiko
- Laikon
- General University Hospital of Athens “Laiko”
- University of Miami
External person
Mical Paul
- Tel Aviv University
- Rabin Medical Center Israel
- Division of Infectious Diseases
- Technion-Israel Institute of Technology
- Unit of Infectious Diseases
- Rehabilitation Hospital
- Loewenstein Hospital Rehabilitation Center
- Rambam Health Care Campus
- Rambam Health Care Campus Israel
- Rambam Health Care Campus
- Institute of Infectious Diseases
- CMI Editorial Office
- Infectious Diseases Institute
- Metabolic Diseases Unit
- Unit of Infectious Diseases
- CMI Editorial Office
- Beilinson Medical Campus
- Clinical Microbiology and Infection Editorial Office
- Rambam Health Care Center
- CMI Editorial Office
- CMI Editorial Office
- Rambam Health Center
- Rambam 53
- CMI Editorial Office
- CMI Editorial
- Ramban Health Care Campus
- CMI Editorial Office
- Sheba Medical Center at Tel Hashomer
- Rambam Hospital
- The Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity
External person
Jonathan Lellouche
- Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center
- Ministry of Health, Israel
- Ariel University
- Sanz Medical Center-Laniado Hospital Israel
- Sanz Medical Center
External person
Emanuele Durante-Mangoni
- University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli
- Ospedale V. Monaldi
- University of Naples Federico II
External person
D. Schwartz
- Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center
- Tel Aviv University
- Ministry of Health, Israel
- Rokach Hospital Israel
- Ichilov Medical Center
- Duke University
- Sheba
- Hadassah University Medical Centre
- Rokach Hospital Tel Aviv
- Bar-Ilan University
- Dept. of Medicine 'T'
External person
Yaakov Dickstein
- Tel Aviv University
- Unit of Infectious Diseases
- Rambam Health Care Campus
- Ministry of Health, Israel
- Rambam Health Care Center
- Division of Infectious Diseases
- Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center
- Rambam Health Care Campus Israel
- Rambam 53
- Institute of Infectious Diseases
- Rambam Health Center
- Technion-Israel Institute of Technology
- Rambam Hospital
- Infectious Diseases Institute
External person
Roni Bitterman
- Unit of Infectious Diseases
- Internal Medicine B
- Division of Infectious Diseases
- Rambam Health Care Campus
- Institute of Infectious Diseases
- Technion-Israel Institute of Technology
- Rambam Health Care Campus Israel
- Rambam 53
- Rambam Hospital
External person
Johan W. Mouton
- Erasmus University Rotterdam
- University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli
- Radboud University Nijmegen
External person
Ursula Theuretzbacher
- Center for Anti-Infective Agents
- Centre for Anti-Infective Agents
- Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center
External person
A. Antoniadou
- National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
- Attiko
- Attikon
- Attikon University Hospital
External person
Inbar Levi
- Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center
- Sourasky
- Ministry of Health, Israel
- Tel Aviv University
External person
Fidi Koppel
- Unit of Infectious Diseases
- Rambam Health Care Campus
- Division of Infectious Diseases
- Rambam 53
- Rambam Health Care Campus Israel
- Rambam Hospital
External person
Ioannis Pavleas
- Laiko Hospital
- Laiko
- Laikon
- National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
External person
Hiba Zayyad
- Rambam Health Care Campus
- Unit of Infectious Diseases
- Rambam 53
- Rambam Health Care Campus Israel
- Baruch Padeh Peoria Hospital
- Bar-Ilan University
- Padeh Poriya Medical Centre
- Poriya Medical Center
- Hadassah University Medical Centre
- Rambam Hospital
External person
Yael Dishon
- University of Haifa
- Rambam Health Care Campus Israel
- Rambam Health Care Campus
- Institute of Infectious Diseases
- Unit of Infectious Diseases
- Technion-Israel Institute of Technology
- Division of Infectious Diseases
- Infectious Diseases Institute
- University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli
- Rambam Hospital
External person
Sergey Altunin
- Technion-Israel Institute of Technology
- Rambam Health Care Campus
- Division of Infectious Diseases
- Rambam 53
- Rambam Health Care Campus Israel
- Rambam Hospital
- Infectious Diseases Institute
External person
Yael Zak-Doron
- Technion-Israel Institute of Technology
- Rambam Health Care Campus
- Institute of Infectious Diseases
- Rambam 53
- Rambam Health Care Campus Israel
- Rambam Hospital
External person
P. Shitrit
- Meir Hospital Sapir Medical Center
- Tel Aviv University
- Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center
- Infectious Disease Unit
External person
Michal Elbaz
- Tel Aviv University
- Meir Hospital Sapir Medical Center
- Rabin Medical Center Israel
- Beilinson
External person
Ami Neuberger
- Technion-Israel Institute of Technology
- Rambam Health Care Campus Israel
- Division of Infectious Diseases
- Internal Medicine B
- Assaf Harofeh Medical Center
- Tel Aviv University
- Rambam Health Care Campus
- Institute of Infectious Diseases
- Israaid Primary Health Clinic
- Division of Internal Medicine
- Rambam 53
- Rambam Health Center
- Division of Internal Medicine
- Infectious Diseases Institute
- Rambam Hospital
External person
Anat Stern
- Division of Infectious Diseases
- Rambam Health Care Campus
- Rambam 53
- Rambam Health Care Campus Israel
- Amitabha Medical Clinic and Healing Center
- Rambam Hospital
- Technion-Israel Institute of Technology
External person
Neta Petersiel
- Rambam Health Care Campus Israel
- Technion-Israel Institute of Technology
- Division of Internal Medicine
- Rambam 53
- Rambam Health Center
- Division of Internal Medicine
- Rambam Hospital
- The Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity
- Royal Melbourne Hospital
External person
Yael Dishon Benattar
- Unit of Infectious Diseases
- University of Haifa
- Rambam Health Care Campus
- Infectious Diseases Institute
- Division of Infectious Diseases
- Institute of Infectious Diseases
- University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli
- Rambam 53
- Rambam Health Care Campus Israel
- Technion-Israel Institute of Technology
External person
Noga Fallach
- Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center
- Ministry of Health, Israel
- Maccabi Healthcare Services
External person
Maria Galdo
External person
S. Benenson
- Hadassah University Medical Centre
- Hebrew University of Jerusalem
- Kaplan Medical Center Israel
- Infectious Diseases Unit
- Shaare Zedek Medical Center
External person
Regev Cohen
- Sanz Medical Center
- Israel Defense Forces
- Center for Infectious Disease Research
- Sanz Medical Center-Laniado Hospital Israel
- Rabin Medical Center Israel
- Technion-Israel Institute of Technology
- Hille Yaffe Medical Center Israel
- IAIPD Research Group
- Hebrew University of Jerusalem
External person
Yael Dishon Benattar
- University of Haifa
- Institute of Infectious Diseases
- Rambam Health Care Campus
- Rambam Health Care Campus Israel
- Technion-Israel Institute of Technology
External person
Stephan Harbarth
- University of Geneva
- Harvard University
- Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
- Boston Children's Hospital
External person
Y. Kariv
- Tel Aviv University
- Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center
- Cleveland Clinic Foundation
External person
B. Rubinovitch
- Tel Aviv University
- Sheba Medical Center at Tel Hashomer
- Rabin Medical Center Israel
- Ministry of Health, Israel
- National Center for Infection Control
External person
Ester Solter
- Schneider Childrens Medical Center Israel
- Tel Aviv University
- Ministry of Health, Israel
- National Center for Infection Control and Antibiotic Resistance
External person
T. Gottesman
- Wolfson Medical Centre
- Edith Wolfson Medical Center Israel
- Ministry of Health, Israel
- Tel Aviv University
- Rabin Medical Center Israel
External person
Patrizia Murino
External person
Haim Ben-Zvi
- Rabin Medical Center Israel
- Tel Aviv University
- Schneider Childrens Medical Center Israel
External person
Tomer Hoffman
- Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center
- Ministry of Health, Israel
- Meir Hospital Sapir Medical Center
- Sheba Medical Center at Tel Hashomer
- Tel Aviv University
External person
Yuval Geffen
- Medical Microbiology Laboratory
- Kupat Holim Clalit
- Rambam Health Care Campus Israel
- Clinical Microbiology Laboratory
- Rambam MC
- Technion-Israel Institute of Technology
- Rambam Health Care Campus
External person
Rivka Glick
- Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center
- Ministry of Health, Israel
- Tel Aviv University
External person
Z. Amitai
- Tel Aviv University
- Ministry of Health, Israel
- Tel Aviv District Health Office
- Ministry of Health-Central Virology Laboratory
External person
Antonio Corcione
External person
A. Adler
- Tel Aviv University
- Schneider Childrens Medical Center Israel
- Hadassah University Medical Centre
- Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center
- Ministry of Health, Israel
- Sourasky
External person
Biana Dubinsky-Pertzov
- Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center
- Tel Aviv University
- Wolfson Medical Center
- Assaf Harofeh Medical Center
- Shamir Hospital
External person
Eduardo Schiffer
- University of Geneva
- National Center for Infection Control and Antibiotic Resistance
External person
Tali Braun
- Ministry of Health, Israel
- Tel Aviv University
- Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center
External person
Carmela Gweta Lugassy
- Ministry of Health, Israel
- National Center for Infection Control and Antibiotic Resistance
External person
Amir Karban
- Technion-Israel Institute of Technology
- Rambam Health Care Campus Israel
- Bruce Rappaport School of Medicine
- Rambam Health Care Campus
- Sheba Medical Center at Tel Hashomer
- Rambam Health Center
- Departments of Gastroenterology and Community Medicine
- Internal Medicine C
- Internal Medicine C and Gastroenterology Department
- Rambam Health Center
- Rambam 53
- Rambam Health Care Campus
- Rambam Hospital
External person
Anat Lerner
- Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center
- Ministry of Health, Israel
- National Center for Infection Control
- Tel Aviv University
External person
Jacob Nutman
- The Children’s Medical Center of Overlook
- Children's Med. Ctr. of Overlook
- Columbia University
External person
Shaul Lev
- Tel Aviv University
- Rabin Medical Center Israel
- Sheba Medical Center at Tel Hashomer
- Institute for Nutrition Research
- Edith Wolfson Medical Center Israel
- Sackler Faculty of Medicine
External person
Yonit Wiener-Well
- Hadassah University Medical Centre
- Shaare Zedek Medical Center
- Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
- Hebrew University of Jerusalem
- IAIPD Research Group
- Infectious Disease Unit
External person
Akram Saad
- Tel Aviv University
- Sheba Medical Center at Tel Hashomer
- Chaim Sheba Cancer Research Center
- Oncology Institute
External person
Tal Sella
- Tel Aviv University
- Maccabi Healthcare Services
- Sheba Medical Center at Tel Hashomer
- Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center
- Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
- Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
External person
A. Paz
- Bnai-Zion Medical Center
- Protalix Carmiel
- Technion-Israel Institute of Technology
- Ministry of Health, Israel
External person
Ziv Lifshitz
- Tel Aviv University
- Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center
- Ministry of Health, Israel
External person
Samira Masarwa
- Ministry of Health, Israel
- Tel Aviv University
- National Center for Infection Control
External person
Moshe Hoshen
- Clalit Research Institute
- Clalit Health Services
- Chief Physicians Office
- Rosetta Genomics, Ltd.
- Clalit Research Institute
- Jerusalem College of Technology
- Clalit Health Research Institute
- Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center
- Hebrew University of Jerusalem
- Ministry of Health, Israel
- Maccabi Healthcare Services
External person
Roy Schwartz
- Tel Aviv University
- Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center
- University College London
- Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
External person
Eugene Katchman
- Crusaid Kobler AIDS Center
- Infectious Disease Unit
- Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center
- Tel Aviv University
- Rabin Medical Center Israel
External person
Sigal Warman
External person
Ayelet Michael-Gayego
- Hebrew University of Jerusalem
- Hadassah University Medical Centre
External person
Rotem Edgar
- Tel Aviv University
- Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center
- Ministry of Health, Israel
- National Center for Infection Control
External person
יצחק קריס
External person
Tal Brosh-Nissimov
- Crusaid Kobler AIDS Center
- Infectious Disease Unit
- Assuta Ashdod Medical Center
- Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
- Israel Defense Forces
- CBRN Medicine Branch
- Israel Defense Forces (IDF)
- Sheba Medical Center at Tel Hashomer
- Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center
- Tel Aviv University
- Soroka Medical Center
- Samson Assuta Ashdod University Hospital
- Assuta Medical Center
- Assuta Ashdod Hospital
External person
Wasef Na'amnih
- Tel Aviv University
- Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center
- The Gertner Institute
- Ministry of Health, Israel
- Academic College of Tel-Aviv - Yaffo
External person
Yona Zaide
- Israel Defense Forces
- American Medical Laboratories
- American Medical Genetics Laboratory
External person
Jameel Mohsen
- Hille Yaffe Medical Center Israel
- Technion-Israel Institute of Technology
External person
Ben Boursi
- Sheba Medical Center at Tel Hashomer
- Tel Aviv University
- University of Pennsylvania
- Center for Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics
- Tel Aviv-Souraski Medical Center.
- Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center
- Center for Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics
External person
Eias Kassem
- Hille Yaffe Medical Center Israel
- Meir Hospital Sapir Medical Center
- Sheba Medical Center at Tel Hashomer
- Tel Aviv University
- Technion-Israel Institute of Technology
External person
E. Vlodavsky
- Technion-Israel Institute of Technology
- Patho-Lab Laboratories
- Rambam Health Care Campus Israel
- Rambam Health Care Campus
- Rambam Health Care Campus
- Carmel Medical Center
- Pathology Institute
- Sanz Medical Center-Laniado Hospital Israel
External person
Irena Zaidman
- Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center
- Rambam Health Care Campus Israel
- Hebrew University of Jerusalem
- Ruth Rappaport Children's Hospital
- Rappaport Children's Hospital
- Hadassah University Medical Centre
External person
Sergey Postovsky
- Rambam Health Care Campus Israel
- Technion-Israel Institute of Technology
- Rambam Health Care Campus
- Emek Medical Center
External person
Marc Victor Assous
- Ministry of Health, Israel
- Hebrew University of Jerusalem
- Central Ministry of Health Laboratories
- Shaare Zedek Medical Center
External person
Ronza Najjar-Debbiny
- Carmel Medical Center
- Technion-Israel Institute of Technology
- Carmel Medical Center
External person
Giuseppe Ruocco
External person
K. Hussein
- Division of Infectious Diseases
- Technion-Israel Institute of Technology
- Rambam Health Care Campus Israel
- Rambam Health Care Campus
- Infection Control Unit
- Western Galilee Medical Center of Nahariya
External person
Keith S. Kaye
- Duke University
- Wayne State University
- University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
- Harper University Hospital
- Detroit Medical Center
- Sinai Hospital of Detroit.
- Division of Internal Medicine
- Drexel University
- Pediatric Infectious Disease Unit
- Harvard University
- Durham Regional Hospital
- Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
- Rutgers - The State University of New Jersey, New Brunswick
External person
Gabriel Weber
- Carmel Medical Center
- Carmel Medical Centre
- Soroka Medical Center
- Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
- Technion-Israel Institute of Technology
- Carmel Medical Centre
- IAIPD Research Group
- Carmel Medical Center
External person
Kfir Oved
- Technion-Israel Institute of Technology
- MeMed Diagnostics
- MeMed
- MeMed
- Canopy Immuno-Therapeutics and MeMed Diagnostics
- Canopy Immuno-therapeutics
External person
Haim Bibi
- Barzilai Medical Center
- Technion-Israel Institute of Technology
- Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
- Hebrew University of Jerusalem
- Barzilay Medical Center
- Carmel Medical Center
- Tel Aviv University
- Department of Pediatrics and the Faculty of Health Sciences, Barzilai Medical Center Campus of the Ben Gurion University of the Negev
- Maayenei Hayeshua Medical Center
- Assaf Harofeh Medical Center
- Barzilai Hospital
- Barzilai University Medical Center
- Mayanei HaYeshua Medical Center
- Ariel University
- Mayanei Hayeshua Medical Center
External person
Nadav Sorek
- Rabin Medical Center Israel
- Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
- Assuta Ashdod Medical Center
- Assuta Ashdod Hospital
External person
Jeffrey Goldstein
- Tel Aviv University
- Sheba Medical Center at Tel Hashomer
- Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center
- Ichilov Medical Center
External person
Einav Simon
- MeMed
- MeMed
- Technion-Israel Institute of Technology
- Rambam Health Care Campus
- Rambam Health Care Campus
External person
Adi Cohen
- Ministry of Health, Israel
- National Center for Infection Control and Antibiotic Resistance
External person
David Shoseyov
- Hadassah University Medical Centre
- Hebrew University of Jerusalem
- Leiden University
- Barzilai Medical Center
- Weizmann Institute of Science
External person
Dafna Chen
- Ministry of Health, Israel
- National Center for Infection Control and Antibiotic Resistance
External person
Adam Lee Goldstein
- Tel Aviv (Souraski) Medical Centre
- Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center
- Tel Aviv University
- Edith Wolfson Medical Center Israel
External person
Andrea M. Hujer
- Department of Veterans Affairs
- Wayne State University
- Case Western Reserve University
External person
Mical Paul
External person
Efrat Orenbuch-Harroch
- Hebrew University of Jerusalem
- Hadassah University Medical Centre
External person
Dafna Goldenberg
- Tel Aviv University
- Assuta Medical Center
- Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center
External person
S. Cohen
- Tel Aviv University
- Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center
- Assaf Harofeh Medical Center
External person
Boaz Tadmor
- Israel Defense Forces
- Tel Aviv University
- Rabin Medical Center Israel
- Schneider Childrens Medical Center Israel
- Holon Institute of Technology
External person
D. Schwartz
- Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center
- Tel Aviv University
- Rokach Hospital Israel
- Hadassah University Medical Centre
- Ichilov Medical Center
- Bar-Ilan University
- Rokach Hospital Tel Aviv
- Dept. of Medicine 'T'
- Sheba
- Ministry of Health, Israel
External person
Myriam Weyl Ben-Arush
- Rambam Health Care Campus Israel
- Ruth Rappaport Children's Hospital
- Technion-Israel Institute of Technology
- Tel Aviv University
- Schneider Childrens Medical Center Israel
- Hebrew University of Jerusalem
- Sheba Medical Center at Tel Hashomer
- Pediatric Hematology-Oncology Department
- Rappaport Children's Hospital
- Northern Israel Oncology Center
External person
Lior Nesher
- Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
- Soroka Medical Center
- European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ESCMID) Study Group for Respiratory Viruses (ESGREV)
External person
Mirit Hershman-Sarafov
- Technion-Israel Institute of Technology
- Bnai-Zion Medical Center
External person
Liad Lupinsky
- Rabin Medical Center Israel
- Technion-Israel Institute of Technology
- Bnai-Zion Medical Center
External person
B. Chazan
- Emek Medical Center
- Ziv Medical Center
- Technion-Israel Institute of Technology
- Tel Aviv University
- Infectious Diseases Unit
- Rebecca Sieff Government Hospital
- IAIPD Research Group
External person
Ronit Peled
- Barzilai Medical Center
- Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
- Peres Academic Center
- Assaf Harofeh Medical Center
External person